A Pair of Toddlers' Delight
Years ago, as in seventy years ago, I was greeted on my first birthday with a cake that my mother baked. That process has continued annually for over seven decades. I do not know the name of cake, but during the years, it was merely called "the almond cake." When I grew up and had my three children, they were greeted on their birthdays with "the almond cake." Then when Ayanna came along, my first grandchild, guess what she has gotten for nearly two decades? Several years ago, when Jack entered the world, you guessed it..."the almond cake." However, after decades of the same cake, I needed to branch out and be a bit more creative. Therefore, I made "the almond cake" and decorated it with the face of Cookie Monster and Elmo for Jack and his younger brother, Owen. While Jack and Owen enjoyed their "almond cake" decorated with Sesame Street characters, Jack and I started to do baking together by making pies, cookies, and blueberry pancakes. When their father's birthday came along this year, I told Jack and Owen that we were going to decorate their Daddy's birthday cake for him. I baked the same old "almond cake" as it has been baked for decades followed by decorating it. First, we started with white icing. Then Jack added the blue food coloring to the white icing. Then Jack blends coloring into the icing. Jack begins the icing process. Owen watches everything that Jack does. I gave Owen the knife and having observed what he saw Jack do, Finally, Owen does what his is instructed again to do as Jack looks on. Then Jack licks some icing. Owen figures that if Jack can do that he could also. Owen is in heaven with the blue icing. Owen tastes the icing for Cookie Monster's eyes. While Jack tastes, Owen looks on inquisitively. Jack puts in Cookie Monster's pupil. Owen followed Jack's example. Jack begins decorating the mouth. Finally, Jack finishes off his part of the mouth. Owen completes Cookie Monster's mouth...just in time for their Daddy going home. Jack and Owen were hiding under the table Jack is excited to see his Daddy blow out the relighting candles Owen is bored with the re-blowing out candles and decides to start opening the gifts. However, Daddy and Jack notice Owen's efforts. Finally, the fun begins helping Daddy unwrap his gifts.
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