The Problem with Yes-Men
Who Say Yes All the Time

Last week, I wrote about the Ides of March when Julius Caesar was assassinated. He was overseeing what would be the last Senate meeting of the Roman Republic. However, there was a quite large conspiracy looming in the background.

We have two sources of information about the attack upon Caesar: Shakespeare and the historical record. The Bard of Avon wrote his historical play 1600 after the events on March 15, 44 BC. Everyone is familiar with the final words of Caesar, “Et tu, Brute?” According to Shakespeare, Brutus wasn’t some close friend of Caesar’s, nor was he involved as the main conspirator.

Apparently, this photo of Brutus killing Caesar was used by Shakespeare as historical evidence.

Brutus was not only not Caesar’s confidant, but he was against Caesar during the civil war that brought Caesar to power.

The historical record has Decimus as the leader and chief conspirator. Shakespeare mentions Decimus in passing, but he ignored spell check when he typed Decius. Decimus and Caesar were close friends and was a significant part of Caesar’s inner circle. He and Brutus were polar opposites during the civil war.

During the civil war, Decimus won a great sea battle on the Mediterranean coast of Gaul, which is now France. Caesar benefited from Decimus’ military expertise appointed him as the acting governor of Gaul. Decimus governed Gaul while Caesar addressed other enemies. With the help of Decimus, Caesar won the civil war and triumphantly returned to Rome in 45 BC. Decimus was given the honored place next to Caesar.

That being said, Decimus was the most crucial senator in the insurrection against Caesar, but why? Decimus turned on his mentor and close friend due to jealousy of Gaius Octavius, Caesar’s grandnephew. Caesar was grooming Gaius as his replacement when he died. As a result, the Ides of March was the last straw in their relationship.

I’m a soothsayer similar to the one that warned Caesar. This is me working in my home office.

I’m the white-haired soothsayer.

I am telling several Russian informants to tell Putin of my warning. A part of my prediction is that having meetings with your staff at long tables like this won’t protect you from an assassin. Aside from looking ludicrous, the length of the table isn’t a fail-safe notion.

Putin’s protective table

I gave another warning to the Russian informants. It had to do with Putin removing around a thousand staff members in the past month due to fears that one of them would poison him. I showed them the picture of Putin sitting at a long table with a dozen plates or bowls of snacks, but none were near him.

Putin has ousted cooks, bodyguards, secretaries, and those who launder Putin’s clothes. Nonetheless, Putin removed the head of the Federal Security Service and his deputy, which replaced the USSR’s KGB. They were supposedly put under house arrest. Putin was rattled by their faulty intelligence, which resulted in the Ukrainian victories over the Russian military.

My last warning was that someone should tell him about the conspiracy of Caesar. The plan was engineered by Decimus, an extremely loyal confidant of Caesar’s.