What a Difference a Half-Century Makes
If We See It

A half-century ago, I had returned from the University of Edinburgh where I had done a year of post-graduate studies. In that year, this is a love song that came out in 1969.

It is a love song about saying goodbye to a lover, which has failed someone. It was time to say goodbye.

          So dog-gone willin', so kiss him
          (I wanna see you kiss him, I wanna see you kiss him)
          Go on and kiss him goodbye, na na na na, na na na

While it isn’t quite as romantic as Neil Diamond’s Sweet Caroline, it gets across the discontent of a former lover.

A great deal has occurred in those fifty years since I left college and graduate school, including musical expression. We can now hear and see the musical expressions that weren’t technically impossible when I was a fair-haired youth back then.

Granted, not every American has finally realized reality. It took Mike Pence over a year since the mob, aka “ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse,” to grasp reality. Many wanted to hang him. However, scenes like this painting were darting around in the heads of thousands in Washington on January 6th.

A hanging

Fortunately, Secret Service agents escorted Pence from the Senate Chamber to a secure place and avoided a public hanging.

Hiding rather than hanging

Despite the real threat of Trumpers executing Pence, he finally has understood something a year after the fact. Hmmm. If it took Pence that long to wake and smell the flowers, many others are still in la-la land.

Rep. Andrew Clyde’s said, “You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January 6, you’d actually think it was a normal tourist visit.” Then why was Clyde attempting to barricade the door of the House Chamber?

Andrew Clyde is the only one without a mask.


This Video is about Clyde’s thinking on January 6th .