For the Stupid TV Medicare Announcements
This is a follow-up to my last essay about the heroine, Liz Cheney. Cheney, McCain, and Romney make up the trinity of guts. To be honest with you, I didn’t intend to write another article about another gutsy Republican, even though there are very few of them.
My motivation for writing this article was being irate and having to listen to stupid announcements about signing up for some insurance companies’ wonderous Medicare Advantage Part C plan. This is one of the idiotic ads.
Every year, the airways are flooded with numerous insurance companies pitching their particular excellent medical plan. Those obnoxious ads are based on the various insurance companies’ estimations of their viewers’ low IQs. Either someone is yelling at another person, or the announcer is yelling at the viewer.
We can put up with this for ad infinitum. Or we can sit back and think about a good alternative to watching any year of watching this nonsense. I have a solution. Look at the total salary and various compensations that healthcare insurance companies pay their CEOs. The CEO who came in first place with the highest package is Joseph Zubretsky of Molina Healthcare, whose total package is $22 million. That is 278 times more than the average annual salary of that company’s employees, which is around $78,000.

On July 7, 2017, Trump wanted to replace Obamacare with a better plan. A plan that wasn’t on the drawing board or even envisioned. Trump’s bill to diss Obamacare didn’t pass the Senate, partly due to John McCain. McCain stood in the bullring toe-to-toe with Trump and beat him.
My idea is to enlarge Obamacare. Instead of paying millions of dollars to the executives of money-making healthcare insurance companies, we can begin to transfer from for-profit healthcare companies to the federal government as the sole healthcare provider. Healthcare insurance should aid everyone, not just the top executives of the insurance companies.
Apparently, Donald the Dumb knew that I would be posting this essay. Therefore, he posted this on his Truth Social site.