The Source of Trump’s Mug Shot
It’s Naissance was Wagner

There I was last week following the arrests of nineteen defendants in Fulton County, GA. Each one of the defendants had to turn themselves in at the Fulton County Jail, which has a reputation as a hell hole at best. Each defendant gets a mug shot, electronic fingerprints, and posts bail.

The inmate number P01135809 is that of our former president, who has been indicted four times this year. Trump claims he is innocent, and the liberal left weaponized the Justice Department. According to Trump, Biden started the witch-hunt. It wasn’t long before our innocent and pure as-the-driven-snow former president’s mug shot appeared on TV.

Don’t mess with me; I’m not a loser.

Don’t mess with me; I’m not a loser.

I wonder how many eight billion people worldwide have seen this photo. Trump likes notoriety and has gotten it in spades with this photo. I looked at that stupid mug shot and wondered whether Trump was trying to frighten Alvin Bragg, Jack Smith, Fani Willis, and their staff. Perhaps he thinks that they might all back off.

I want the video of Trump rehearsing various threatening facial expressions. He probably emailed Roger Stone with 45 different defiant looks. Stone will soon have Trump’s mug shot tattooed on his back below the one of Nixon’s face.

Stone’s added tattoo

Stone’s added tattoo

The source of Trump’s defiance of the law can be seen in Nixon. Nixon taught Trump that laws don’t apply to presidents since they are above the law. It took a couple of years before most Americans realized that Tricky Dicky was lying to them. Trump believed he was better than Nixon and could fool most Americans.

However, this mindset of superiority goes back to Hitler. Hitler was the leader of the Aryan race. Hitler, Nixon, and Trump all have the same inferiority complex. Therefore, Hitler addressed the fear that someone would discover he wasn’t a pure Aryan by acting invincible.

Now, that begs the question regarding the naissance of Hitler’s megalomania. Hitler loved the music of Richard Wagner. Wagner was a significant German composer of operas. He used Nordic tales and mythology as the basis of his musical works. "The Ride of the Valkyries" is a part of the opera The Ring of the Nibelung.

The Ride of the Valkyries

The Ride of the Valkyries

Library of Congress

According to Norse mythology, the Valkyries were female warriors engaged in great battles. They would pick up warriors killed in battle and take them to Valhalla. The term Valhalla means the hall of the slain. However, the slain are resurrected and live in Valhalla.



Wagner was obsessed with The Ride of the Valkyries and Valhalla. Wagner also bought into the Aryan race mindset. Germans were superior to all the rest of the world. The Ride of the Valkyries opened in 1870, at the beginning of the German Empire. Wagner’s music represented the greatness of the German people. Anyone not ethnically German was inferior to them. This was true for Wagner, especially for any Jew who was a composer or musician. Wagner authored an article, Das Judenthum in der Musik, that Jewish composers would “repeat like parrots.”

Therefore, Wagner was the source of Trump’s mug shot. Interestingly, Yevgeny Prigozhin died in a plane crash near the village of Kuzhenkino on August 23rd. Prigozhin named his paramilitary group after Richard Wagner.

Wagner Group

Wagner Group