The Achilles’ Heel
Of the Republicans

This is the backstory. Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote, “We are all Greeks. Our laws, our literature, our religion, our arts have their roots in Greece.” The Western world is based upon the mindset of the ancient Greeks. Leonidas and the 300 Spartans warriors delayed the Persians led by Xerxes I at the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BCE. That battle lasted three days, but it was enough time for the Greek navy to prepare to defeat the Persian navy at the Battle of Salamis. Those two battles, one on land and the other at sea, assured what Shelley wrote two millennia later, “We are all Greeks.

Nevertheless, while we are all Greeks, it isn’t an assurance that everyone grasps our database of knowledge about being Greek. Republicans, including Donald the Dumb, have missed reading about Achilles. Thetis took her infant, Achilles, to the River Styx. She held him by one of his heels and immersed him in the river, providing him immunity and protection. However, the only place on Achilles’ body that wasn’t protected was his one heel, which his mother held him during his baptism in the River Styx. During the Trojan War, an arrow struck Achilles’ heel, which his mother held him decades before. As a result, Achilles dies.

The Republicans need to read more about ancient Greek history. As George Santayana wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The Republican party doesn’t recall ancient Greek history, nor do they recall recent history. A bunch of old men telling women about their reproductive rights of women is a non-starter and a no-brainer.

Enter Rep. Joel Kitchens. He is a member of the Wisconsin State Assembly. They were drafting a bill prohibiting abortions after 14 weeks in Wisconsin. This is part of his misogynistic comment against abortion.

Rep. Kitchens

Kitchens is an old white man who views himself as a medical intellectual. “In my veterinary career, I did thousands of ultrasounds on animals...So, I think I know mammalian fetal development better than probably anyone here. And in my mind, there’s absolutely no question that’s a life. And I think the science backs me up on that.”

Well, other than comparing females to dogs and cats, a fetus isn’t the same thing as a human life. Kitchener added, “If you believe that a fetus is a human life, then abortion is not health care.” A fetus isn’t a baby; it is a fetus. If a fetus is a human life, then what about an embryo? An embryo and fetus have potential for human life, but potentiality is not de facto human life.

A woman’s reproductive rights are linked to abortion. Women die due to problems related to conception. And the access of a pregnant woman to life-saving abortions is jeopardized by restricting abortions. Beyond that issue, women have the right to their bodies. They can determine whether they want a child for financial, marital, age, or other related issues.

Abortions are healthcare choices for women, not men.

Abortions are healthcare choices for women, not men.

Finally, how do women get pregnant? That question shouldn’t take too much time to answer. The next question addresses the issue of who bears the brunt of the pregnancy and raising the child.

Abortion bans are the Achilles’ heel for Republicans.

Abortion bans are the Achilles’ heel for Republicans.

The Republicans have lost elections over and over again, telling women about their reproductive rights.