Yin-Yang Beyond My Personal World
What About Your World?

My previous essay about yin-yang attempted to address the central problem I’ve been facing in my twilight years. However, I didn’t want to reveal the actual problem. Doing so wouldn’t help me in my efforts to resolve the issue. Nonetheless, that problem stands in my way as I try to achieve the most important thing I’ll ever do. Even more perplexing is that what I face shouldn’t have ever been a problem.

I have tried everything imaginable to resolve my dilemma. I have attempted to resolve the matter by contacting various people, each of whom could have remedied the situation in slightly longer than a nanosecond. I have all the data, documents, and facts, but I couldn’t get anyone to respond to dozens of written requests or messages left on answering machines. All of my attempts to contact people in those organizations were people who could have resolved the matter.

The issue, from my perspective, isn’t even a close call. If anyone contacted me, I would have bet my life that they would have addressed the issue. So, I am left with two choices. The first option is to give up. The other choice is to continue my quest. Trust me, that is what I am doing. Nonetheless, I feel like Sisyphus of ancient Greek mythology.

I’m not getting any place in all my efforts, which is painful enough. However, I don’t have a lifetime to accomplish my task. While failure will be a bitter pill to swallow, at least I made the effort. Additionally, I have taught others an important lesson on their journey down their yellow brick roads of life.

So, that is the backstory about some unimportant person striving to achieve something in the grand scheme of things. This essay deals with you and your grand scheme of things. Here are a half-dozen questions for you to ask yourself about what drives you in your journey down your yellow brick road.

  1. Who are the people you genuinely assist on their journey?
  2. Are women equal to men?
  3. Which race is best?
  4. Which ethnic group is best?
  5. Which religion is best and/or do you need one?
  6. Why do some people buy into Trump’s mindset?

As you address these haunting questions, you need to think and not merely repeat what someone said. You need to be honest. You also need to read. For example, should women determine their reproductive rights, or should men tell them what is allowed or not? Should whites, blacks, or Asians be treated differently? Is Trump the Orange Jesus?

This is where I want to return to My Yin-Yang World. I wrote about Carl Jung understood what Lao Tzu meant about yin-yang. The logo has two sections. The blue section also has an orange dot, and the orange section has a blue dot. The dots represent the unconscious seed of the opposite color section.



However, Albert Camus, the French philosopher, went a step beyond Jung. Camus wrote an essay entitled, The Myth of Sisyphus. He understood Sisyphus’ angst, but that suffering was an asset for Sisyphus.

I leave Sisyphus at the foot of the mountain. One always finds one’s burden again. But Sisyphus teaches the higher fidelity that negates the gods and raises rocks. He too concludes that all is well. This universe henceforth without a master seems to him neither sterile nor futile. Each atom of that stone, each mineral flake of that night-filled mountain, in itself, forms a world. The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man’s heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

Now, back to my yin-yang world. I do identify with Sisyphus. It is painful to continue to push the rock to the top of the mountain. Nonetheless, as painful as my quest is, I feel some content about what I am doing. I honestly will continue because it is a valid endeavor. I would rather spend my time doing something of value than waste time on invalid issues like sexism, racism, xenophobia, and authorization nonsense.

We all need to be honest about what drives us. We need to be more inclusive about helping others. Women are equal to men and are capable of deciding about their bodies. There are no races, ethnic groups, or religious ideas better than the others. Finally, Trump’s mantra involves dissing races, women, and some religions. He does reach out to his base for money and support. A better mantra for Trump is that it is giving that we get.